We exist to bring God glory and make disciples through gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered service, gospel-centered community and gospel-centered multiplication.
Here are some ways we are accomplishing that mission to fulfill our created purpose.
Kid's Ministry (Nursery - 5th Grade)
A fun filled, interactive time with Bible based teaching.
Sunday 10:30a
Nursery - 5th Grade
Family worships together then kids are dismissed before the message.
Family Ministry Director
Youth Ministry
(6th - 12th Grade)
A Bible based ministry filled with outings, discussion and sharing the truth in love.
Sunday 10:30a
Teens are in the entire worship service. Contact Mrs. Rachel for other activity details.
Rachel Swartz
Family Ministry Director
Burgers & Bibles
Adult In-Person and Zoom
Bible Discussion
Real life practical discussion of Biblical truths in community based on the message series.
Prep the food 6:30p
Eat the food 7p
Eat the Word 7:30p
Nathan Swartz
Ministry Team Members
One of the great joys in life is making an eternal difference with your life both locally and globally. Join the others at our church that are dedicating their lives to influencing others in a transforming way.